• Riveredge Nature CenterNeighbor

  • Port Washington-Saukville, WI
  • Website

The Riveredge Nature Center’s sanctuary is a unique ecological area for its biodiversity and continual maintenance and control of invasive species. It is a jewel in the landscape of Ozaukee County. It adds to the vitality of the community by providing ongoing recreational opportunities for adults, families and children. Containing roughly 380 acres of various habitats, the sanctuary serves as a resource for scientific research and provides opportunities for citizen scientists to expand their horizons. Projects such as the successful rearing of and releasing of lake sturgeon into the Milwaukee River, an effort to return a breeding population of sturgeon to the River in the next 20-25 years; providing a site for a successful pilot Swamp Metalmark Recovery Project in partnership with Milwaukee Public Museum; or evaluating a number of Emerald Ash Borer management strategies and research projects. These are just a few of the important projects that Riveredge is involved with all year long.

Specifically, the Riveredge sanctuary includes:

10 miles of trails

A vernal pond and creek, both designated as state natural areas

One and one-half miles of riparian habitat

Seven deciduous forest types

Conifer forest

Several wet meadows

28 acres of planted prairie

1 Fen

Six ponds

186 species of birds

580+ species of plants

26 species of mammals

7 species of anurans

23 soil types

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